Saturday 3 May 2014

Of Death and Benedict*

* Title from blog entry of Hunglish Girl.

I recently came across a blog entry about having a crush on Benedict Cumberbatch on Facebook. This woman wrote about having a crush while being older. I liked her perspective and read more of her entries.

Then I came across "Of Death and Benedict. Which made sense to me since I, too, have lost people in my life. Most recently my maternal grandfather. Then I heard my maternal grandmother's sister was admitted to the ICU. This morning, she died. I usually take control of my feelings, until I see the body. That's when it hits me. I'm never going to see that person ever again. I was very young when my paternal grandfather died. I do remember my uncle, paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather.

As soon as I saw the body of my grandfather or my grand aunt, tears just filled my eyes immediately. Why them? Why now? Doesn't the universe know that they are needed.

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