Wednesday 12 June 2013

My Brother's Wedding

 Hello All,

I decided on blogging to improve my writing skills. I am in the publication industry, so I need to have proper writing skills. After reading so many stories by amazing writers, I thought it was my time.  I think my life is not very exciting, so it might be boring.

So, I was browsing flipkart for books as usual. I finally found ordered two books. I found a new book called Amreekandesi: Masters of America by Atulya Mahajan which I found through Facebook. 

I browsed through the recommendations and found a new book. This book is My Brother's Wedding by Andaleeb Wajid.

I couldn't put the the book down. I must have gone to sleep by 2 am that night. The main character is Saba and she is literature student. She writes a blog to cope with the craziness of her brother's wedding. She is trying to juggler her college life and the wedding. She used letters to denote her family members to keep their confidentiality. She feels like she is being over shadowed by her older beautiful, vain & manipulative sister and her only brother. It gives an excellent look into how a Muslim wedding entails. I have never been to one, so I am very curios to find out what happens. Weddings shows culture and traditions of people and the whole experience is fascinating to me.

That book also helped me in opening my own blog. My friend has one and she writes about her married life. She said her life is very normal, so I thought why not. As I am writing, I am watching an old episode of Numb3rs. It's the one with the cloned baby and I have already seen this, but there is nothing good on. 

My work day was pretty good and easy today. I had no pending work, so I worked on the website and facebook all day. I love that part where I have to be on Facebook for my job. I checked the entries on the website for mistakes. Whoever did it before me, they didn't do a proper job. There are random question marks in the entries. I mean who doesn't know where question marks goes. 

My phone needed recharging and my driver was out sick. I had to call my mother and get it recharged by her. Mothers are so awesome and she didn't even take the money I gave her. As I was writing this post, I pressed my delete key on my Mac and my whole first draft was gone. I tried to find it but no luck. So I have to rewrite the post all over again from scratch. Maybe next time, I will write this in a word document and then paste it. Oh well, you learn from your mistakes.  Then after my posted my new post, I found my draft all saved nicely. So I took out the new sections and pasted them in the draft. So I deleted the other post and published my earlier draft since it much better

I think it a good place to stop for my first try. Let's see what happens next before I post again.
(P.S. The photos in this blog belong to the original owner. I don't have any copyright on them.)


  1. Not bad for a start; good luck in your blogging Fwwc. Reached here from a link about your review of Andaleeb's book, "My Brother's Wedding.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. How did you like the book, My Brother's Wedding?

  2. It was a fun read - couldn't keep the book down - as you'd mentioned. Though, I liked Blinkers Off, her first book, a wee bit more.

    1. I haven't read any of her books. What's Blinkers Off about? How good is it?

  3. Actually Blinkers Off is her second book, a book in the same genre of My Brother's Wedding. I found BO having more unpredictable than MBW.
    PS: Andy is a friend offline too, so my perception of her writing might be biased.
    PS2: If you're a Bangalorean you could attend the launch of her book today (15th June) at 6.30 at Oxford Book Store, 1 MG road (Near Trinity Circle).

    1. Thanks, I will check out the book. I'm not in Bangalore but thanks for the info.
