For the majority of this month, I was home alone. My parents were out of the country and my grandmother went to live with my aunt. I decided to stay behind and live in our house.
I thought I would be ok with it. I was wrong. The food wasn't tasty anymore even though our cook made it. I wanted to eat pizza all the time. It reminded me of my college years. I would eat alone my eat meals in the dinning court and didn't have too many friends. I would eat junk food all the time.
I think i stress eat or eat when I'm depressed/sad. I don't know. Oh well, like the
Rob Thomas's song suggests I don't want to lonely anymore.
I wish I was a kid again. Life was so much happier and easier. I was a happy kid, even my name is related to happiness. But life is making me sad about everything.
But I have decided to be positive and look on the bright side. I started counting my blessing because I have a lot of things to be thankful for.
So, from now onwards, the glass is completely full.