Saturday, 17 May 2014

Working Hard or Hardly Working!

Do you ever they an assignment which is Herculean? Well I got one. I have compare the text of two books. One is printed and one is a PDF. Both of them have the same stuff but in different order and language.

I kept trying but wasn't getting much success. Of course, my mind would wander and I would do other things. Today I tried another way and got some results except I'll be taking extra time. Hope my boss doesn't mind it. Because I know if I turn it in at this stage, I'll get a scolding for it. So better I take more time and do a better job of it.


Next week is a workshop related to my field. Hope this helps me in the future. Maybe this will reinforce that I'm in the wrong field. Lets see what happens.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Coworkers: Hate or Love Them? Ok Maybe Not Love

I hate my coworkers. One is spineless. Three of them just look out for themselves only. One of the three refuses to do extra work. He'll make others do the work so that if something wrong, he's not at fault. He'll point the finger at that person and save his skin. He is one lazy ass person. most of the day, he iscplaying games on his phone and napping at the office. The next one is always looking for making a quick buck and claims bogus expenses to receieve money from the big boss. He is the big boss's pet. And the third one is the other two's friend and helps them in their schemes. Two helpers who talk way too much and loud. Two boss who don't explain everything at first and then scold for you for all the mistakes.

It's so political there. That's why I stay quiet and just focus on my work. Except I read the most boring books in the world. All academic and intellectual books. Which quite frankly I can't stand. No wonder my mind wanders off and I miss things when I'm reading them.

Maybe I have Attention Deficit Disorder. Note to self: Get my self tested.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Of Death and Benedict*

* Title from blog entry of Hunglish Girl.

I recently came across a blog entry about having a crush on Benedict Cumberbatch on Facebook. This woman wrote about having a crush while being older. I liked her perspective and read more of her entries.

Then I came across "Of Death and Benedict. Which made sense to me since I, too, have lost people in my life. Most recently my maternal grandfather. Then I heard my maternal grandmother's sister was admitted to the ICU. This morning, she died. I usually take control of my feelings, until I see the body. That's when it hits me. I'm never going to see that person ever again. I was very young when my paternal grandfather died. I do remember my uncle, paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather.

As soon as I saw the body of my grandfather or my grand aunt, tears just filled my eyes immediately. Why them? Why now? Doesn't the universe know that they are needed.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Etiquette and Common Sense

So I went and watched 2 States with my aunt. It was an awesome movie. I've read the book also.

Now in a movie theatre, your seats stick to other seats and you share the armrest with usually two people.

You can't hog the armrest. Other people also use it. Please put your phones on silent/vibrate or switch them off. I came to see Ananaya and Krish, not listen to your phone conversation or ringtone.

Standing in a line isn't very hard to. But alas, Indians can't seem to do this little task. Have patience. You will get your turn.