Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Hapy New Year or Not

It's the new year almost...

I, of course, have no plans to go out. I am watching Sherlock on TV. I do love mysteries and how quickly Sherlock deduces everything from just looking at a person.

I wish I was as smart as him.

The roads will be so crowded with drunk people. I have trouble dealing with drunk people and unfortunately this is what we get tonight.

Hopefully the next year will be a better one. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Election Day!

So it's election day.

I can finally vote and have my say in who runs the government. I can't figure out who to vote for. I do have the none of above option. Don't know if that will make a difference. At least I can complain with reason about the government when they screw up. 

Life is going along nicely. Still don't what my calling is but working in publishing. I saw this on Facebook today.

I feel so stuck. My brother finally studied the one thing he loves and is good at. Now he is settled in a love. It's admin sales job but is related to food. I wish he could have found a job relating to cooking but it is what it is.

C'est la vie.